Speak of the Devil Read online

Page 2

  An explosion shakes the place so hard I crumble in a heap on the ground. My head smacks the floor with a thud a second before everything goes black.


  “Are you sure this is the right place?” Maddison scrunches up her nose like she’s smelled something vile.

  “It better be.” My words are more a grunt than speech, but that’s been my form of interaction ever since that bastard took Helena.

  “Eric.” She places her hand on my arm, and I jerk away from her, making her sigh. “I’m only trying to help. Letting you go crazy and causing more problems than we find answers to hasn’t proven very helpful in locating her. Who gave you this location?”

  Okay, so I went a little feral and plowed through places and areas that I thought Michael might use to hide her from me. No matter what Maddison says, I can’t find it in me to feel guilty. No one died, unfortunately, but it made the damn Archangel seem like he disappeared from the face of the earth. Fear that he took her to Heaven where I can’t step foot dug a hole in my chest, making my logical brain take a hike. Few humans might know now about the existence of demons with certainty. Scrubbing my hand roughly over my face, I push those thoughts away. I still can’t find it in me to care.

  “I don’t know.” Admitting that this might be just another of my fuckups doesn’t sit well, but it’s better than doing nothing.

  “What do you mean ‘you don’t know?’” The incredulity in her voice says it all. “I just summoned every person within range to come here, and you’re saying this could be a bust?”

  “Feel free to go home. Maddison!” Snarling, I whirl on her, forcing her to take a step back and eye me warily. “I don’t give a fuck who it was. If there is a chance she is here, I’m going to take it!” Grabbing her arm, I shove her away, making her stumble back a few steps “Take your playthings and go home. I’ll deal with this myself.”

  “You have lost your mind!” Clenching her fists at her sides, she glares at me, her eyes glowing brightly on her face. “I have let you be angry…hell, I’m angry for you! But don’t think for a moment I’m going to sit back and allow you to fuck up everything I’ve built because you don’t use your fucking brain!”

  “What would you have me do?” My roar shakes the ground where we are standing, but she doesn’t even blink.

  “Talk to me. That’s all I’m asking.” Collecting herself, Madison walks up closer to me. “I’m not telling you to stop searching, or to ignore leads. All I’m saying is let’s do this smart. Barging in fists flying has proven useless. I’ve let you do it for a couple of weeks, but it stops now.”

  I can feel my burning gaze on her, and anyone else would’ve been running for dear life by now. Not Maddison. She seems more enthusiastic with each word spoken, as if my rage doesn’t faze her. Walking up even closer, she waves a manicured hand towards the building we are watching in the distance.

  “Is this how you want her to see you when we find her?”

  “That’s a low blow, even for you.” Turning away from her, I scan the area again.

  “It’s the truth and you know it. I don’t know Helena that well, but I can’t imagine her being all gooey when she finds out what you’ve done while looking for her. That girl cares more about others than herself. I thought you knew that.”

  “She is my mate.” My fingers curl tightly, my claws digging holes into my palms. The warm blood trickling down my fingers soothes me slightly. Maddison’s words are like a vise around my chest, making it difficult to draw in a breath. “He shouldn’t have taken her from me. I warned him.”

  “No, he shouldn’t have.” Her softly spoken words make my body tremble. I want to believe it’s from anger, but I know it’s more than that. Fear claws under my skin because I’m terrified I’ll be too late.” “We will find her, Eric. I feel it in my bones that we are close.”

  My head swivels towards her. Maddison has many gifts, but when she feels a certainty for something, it should never be ignored. Searching her face, I find only truth. She really believes that we will get to my mate on time. Some unseen weight lifts from deep inside me, and the trembling of my body grows in strength. My legs can’t support my weight any longer, and I drop on my knees, bowing my head.

  “Oh, Eric.” Maddison kneels beside me, wrapping me in her arms like when we were younglings and she would comfort me after one of my father’s training sessions. “I know you’re hurting, but we will find her. I promise.”

  “I cannot lose her, Maddison.” Clutching her arms that are wrapped around me, my words are rough and raw. “I will not live long if she is gone.”

  “I will not let that happen, cousin.” The strength in her words feeds the sliver of hope she gave me a moment ago. “I may not know what it feels like to find a mate, but I will do anything not to see you suffer. If anyone has earned the right to torment you, it’s me. I’m not letting that arrogant asshole steal my entertainment.”

  “Right.” Her words bring me out of the misery I feel with a chuckle. She only hums, tightening her arms.

  “So, what’s the plan?” With one last squeeze, Maddison lifts herself up, reaching a hand out to help me to my feet. “We storm the place, or wait to see if anyone comes out first?”

  “You’re still sticking around for this one?” Glancing at her from the corner of my eye, I can’t deny the hope her question is giving me.

  “Walk away and what? Let you have all the fun?” Huffing, she moves and stands shoulder to shoulder with me, scanning the area. “Not a chance in hell.” Snickering, she bumps my arm “Get it? Chance in hell.” She giggles, but it sounds strained. I still appreciate it.

  “I have lost my sense of humor.” Snorting, I bump her shoulder with mine,” I was thinking of storming in there and grabbing her if that’s where she is.”

  Maddison hums again, her head tilting left and right. “Michael went to great lengths to hide her whereabouts. I’m not sure we can just waltz in there if that is true. He will have security, and wards in place. If we get trapped in there, we’re screwed.”

  “What is this place, anyway?”

  The building looks deserted and old. The gray walls stretch wide on both sides of the metal double doors. No windows or other entrances are in sight, making me believe this is some sort of warehouse.

  “My people tell me it’s some sort of a research facility.” Not taking her eyes away from it, she mumbles, “A laboratory, maybe?”

  “He is hurting her.” Growling, my teeth grind together at the thought. “I will rip his wings off his back, one by one and slowly, if one piece of hair is missing from her head.”

  “Look!” Maddison’s urgent voice snaps me out of my murderous thoughts. “Is that him?”

  “Yes, it is!” My feet are moving before I’m aware of it, but Maddison grabs my arm, stopping me.

  “No! Wait!” Yanking me back, she tightens her grip when I try to make her let go. “We will follow him, and see where he is going. Don’t ruin this now by acting rash. If she’s not in this building, she might be where ever he is headed.”

  “Now you know why you’re the brain of our operations.” Pushing back the urge to go rip Michael’s head off, I stop struggling out of Maddison’s hold. “Just so we are clear, I have no intention of following him for days. If his next stop is not Helena, I’m coming back here and ripping this place apart.”

  “And I’ll come to help you.” She tells me distractedly and briskly moves towards our vehicle. Pulling her phone out, she presses a button. A second later, she speaks, “Don’t lose him.”

  I follow behind her, jumping in her passenger seat. We don’t talk while she maneuvers around back streets like she has been here a million times before tonight without having the headlights on. I learned not to question her about many things over the centuries. Anxiety makes my gut churn while my gaze sweeps around us, hoping to see the Archangel. Occasionally, Maddison glances at her phone, but after we’ve been driving a while, my anger starts building.

“Don’t tell me we lost him.” Spitting the words angrily at her, I watch for any sign that she’s hiding something.

  “Oh, ye of little faith.” Her words are mumbled, and she takes a sharp turn, making me grab hold of the sidebar so I don’t hit my head on the window. Slamming on the breaks, she slides between two cars, parking us on the side of the street.

  My focus instantly zeros in on the Archangel a long way down the road, exiting his car. He straightens his shirtsleeves, sweeping his gaze around him before walking up to a massive building on his left. The street seems deserted apart from occasional vehicles parked on both sides of the road. There are a couple of houses here and there, but none are close to the monstrosity that Michael entered. It almost looks like a hospital. I feel my eyebrows dipping low over my eyes.

  “What is this place? A hospital?”

  “A historical one is my guess. I don’t think it’s used anymore. Look.” Pointing toward the doors with a finger, Maddison leans closer to the windshield. Thank the fates for our superior sight. “It has a plaque next to the door. It might be some museum or something.”

  “Well, let’s go.” Opening the door, I jump out, hearing her close the door on her side as well.

  “Just one second,” Maddison mumbles, her fingers typing on the phone with lightning speed.

  “What are we waiting on?” Shuffling my feet with impatience, I study the building.” What the fuck is Michael doing in a museum? I think we should’ve stayed at the other place.”

  “We can go back there any time,” Maddison says distractedly, not taking her eyes off her phone.

  We wait here, my anger and impatience growing to a boiling point for over ten minutes. My fists keep clenching and unclenching at my sides. I had patience in spades until that she-devil walked into my life. She flipped everything head over ass with one look and a smile. Now, here I am, ready to self-combust at any moment while Maddison is playing solitaire on that fucking phone for all I know. Unable to sit still any longer, I take a step away from the car.

  “I’m going in,” I tell Maddison over my shoulder, sprinting towards the building. A blast of an explosion sends me flying back and drops me on my ass.

  “And, let there be light!” Maddison sing-songs, clapping her hands in glee. I hear her footsteps before her face pops up above me. “You coming, or are you going to take a nap first?”

  “Let’s go!” Jumping up and shaking my head, I run. My boots make no sound on the pavement. Maddison follows a step behind, her laughter echoing around us. I might be in a rage because I’m desperate for my mate, but my cousin thrives on chaos. She is a mastermind of strategy, and more cunning than anyone I’ve ever known.


  Someone is yelling.

  I have no idea who it is, but my head is pounding like a church bell, and I feel nauseous. Gingerly sticking my fingers in my hair, I’m expecting to see them covered in blood when I squint at them, but they are clean. Pressing them just above my right ear again makes me wince in pain. A lump the size of a golf ball has formed there. No wonder I feel like my head is about to explode. And who the hell is yelling?

  With a groan, I push myself off the floor, the white ceramic tiles cold under my palms. It was a bad idea to sit up because dizziness makes me sway, and turning my face to the side, I retch for long moments. Nothing comes out apart from saliva and acid from my empty stomach. Tears run down my face, making my vision blurrier than it already is. Sitting back, I blink fast to clear my sight, whipping my mouth with the back of my hand. Where am I? And who the fuck is yelling?

  My hearing slowly gets better, the underwater sounds that were muffled becoming clear at lightning speed. White walls and ceiling meet my perusal, bringing with it memories that flood my brain. Michael drawing endless vials of blood, pain and despair overwhelming me, and the craziest of all, Raphael winking and smiling sheepishly at me. I finally lost my marbles in this place.

  “How dare you! You have lost your mind!” Michael’s bellow coming from behind the closed door pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “That is debatable.” Raphael’s voice is conversational, making me frown.

  “Is this what it has come to? You siding with demons?” A crash and a wave of power accompanies Michael’s anger.

  “I’m siding with no one.” The door opens and Raphael sticks his head in, glancing around before spotting me on the ground. He nods once as if I’ve followed instructions and ducks right out. What the fuck is going on here?

  “They will not have the girl!” Stronger waves of power make the air seer my lungs when I breathe.

  “I think they will disagree, brother.”

  “Because of you!” Michael’s voice sounds closer to the door now. “I will kill her if I have to, but she will not step foot outside that door.”

  “Then we have a problem, you and I.” Confusion keeps me on my ass gaping at the closed door, while Raphael sounds like he is having a pleasant conversation.

  “Get out of my way!” A sound like cracking thunder follows Michael’s menacing words.

  “Michael, stop! Don’t you see what your actions are doing? The girl has done nothing wrong, to you or anyone else. What is your obsession with her?”

  “She is not supposed to live! She should’ve died the moment we found her!”

  “Yet, she still lives after you took her from her mate.” Raphael sounds angry now too. “Why is that?”

  “Get out of my way!” Michael spits angrily.

  “Ah…” There is laughter now in Raphael’s word, and I’m so confused that my head is spinning all over again. “I think you have company.”

  “Helena!” Eric’s roar makes my heart skip a beat before it hammers erratically in my chest. “Michael! I’m going to rip you limb from limb, you piece of shit!”

  My mind finally catches up with everything, and I scramble to my feet, slipping and almost toppling over in my haste to get up. Running towards the door, I slam my body on it with an oomph before fumbling with the handle. Yanking on it with all my strength, it doesn’t move an inch. Panic seizes my chest in an unforgiving grip.

  “Eric!” Screaming his name, I pound my fists on the door like a crazy woman. The pain only feeds my frenetic need to get out of here. “Eric!”

  “Helena!” Eric’s voice sounds closer, and grunts follow it.

  Flash hitting flash penetrates my panic, and I’m yanking the door with everything I’ve got. My entire body weight is not helping at all, until I hear a muffled grunt. Pressing my ear on the door and ignoring the numbing pain from the lump, I try to figure out what it was. Soft panting tells me there is someone else pressed against the door on the other side. Gasping for air, I will my brain to push aside the sound of fighting in the background so I can think. And then I remember.

  “Raphael?” My voice sounds timid, and it pisses me off, but I can’t do anything about it. “Raphael, please! Open the door…please!”

  “Not yet, Helena. I will open it when it’s safe.” His words are urgent, but fear makes me irrational. For all I know, Eric is out there fighting alone, and that doesn’t sit well with me.

  “Please, Raphael!” Tears trickle down my cheeks. “If you let me go, no one has to get hurt.” A voice that feels like part of my soul roars in pain, and I think something inside me dies. “Eric!” My fear-filled scream hurts my ears. “Open the door!” My throat feels raw, anguish fueling my need to be out there.

  “Helena, stop!” Raphael grunts from the other side of the door. “If he sees you, he might get hurt.” The words stop my yanking, and I stare at the door through the hair that’s plastered on my face. “His focus is on Michael at the moment. If you walk out now, he will try to get to you instead of eliminating the threat first. Think!”

  “Is he okay?” I want to slap myself for how stupid that question is, but I can’t help it. “Is he hurt?”

  “He will be fine.” Amusement laces the words, and they don’t sound strained now that I’m not trying to break out of her
e. “Your mate is strong, and he fights dirty.” A chuckle follows that statement.

  “I’m not sure who is the crazy one, you or Michael.” Pressing my forehead to the door, I do my best to calm the jackhammering of my heart.

  “After millennia”—he waits for the grunts, a crash, and a bellow to stop before he continues like we are having a tea party— “sanity is a debatable thing.”

  “No kidding.” Despite my fear, I snicker, mumbling the words.

  “No kidding at all.” Raphael chuckles too, following it with a sigh. “I will need you to work with me here.”

  “What does that mean?” Suspicion crawls like spiders over my skin.

  “I will get you out of here, but you must do as I say so no one gets hurt.” He waits a moment too long for my liking to continue. “Can I trust you?”

  “You’re willing to trust an abomination now?” My humorless laugh sounds bitter to my ears.

  “I never thought you were an abomination, but I need your word, Helena.” I can tell something has changed because he doesn’t sound relaxed anymore.

  “What’s wrong?” Grabbing the handle again, I try to press it down. “What’s happening?”

  “If I don’t get you out of here, they’ll fight until one of them is dead. I guess I underestimated my brother’s obsession with you.”

  “Let me out of here, Raphael! Now!” My palms, slick from the cold sweat coating them, slip away from the handle. The same cold sweat that also trickles down my spine.